Comprehend Daily Traffic and
Customer Demographics
Cyclops’ multitude of insightful data equipped the Central Market with mall traffic and passage usage to comprehend its daily traffic and customer demographics effectively. Cyclops was able to identify and alert the team on site about the crowded areas and areas with higher footfall through analysis of entrances and queues. Hence, the team could react promptly to ensure all areas are clear and safe for passage. Additionally, the demographics analysis enabled Central Market to reassess its target customer groups and remarket on new audiences revealed after the deployment.
Evaluate Tenant Performance and Marketing Activities
Cyclops has also helped Central Market forecast and better plan for upcoming events and days. Using our AI engines, the team could evaluate the performance of the tenant mix and all the marketing events on the premises. We realized that the walk-in rate, heatmap, and engagement analysis were vital tools that helped Central Market understand the facility and space utilization and devise adjustments in terms of tenant mix, the position of decors and devices, or the layout of the zones to optimize the performances.
More About Central Market
Central Market, the new landmark in Hong Kong, once in operation from 1939 to 2003, is now revitalized and transformed into a 'Playground for All' featuring a mix of shops, food stalls, restaurants, and event spaces. A modernized visitor experience is created like never before for this 80-year-old Grade 3 historic building.
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